Friday, February 21, 2014

7 Basic Apps to Look for in Google Glass

7 Basic Apps to Look for in Google Glass By 

What is the next step developers can look forward to after mobile application development? Probably that would be something to deal with wearable computers that we are witnessing at the moment. The most prominent among them is the Google Glass. Google Glass has been born of the project Glass research and development venture, which provides the same utility of a smart phone in a hands free format. The device is controlled through the voice commands given by the user. The search engine giant has come up with this device with the notion to make the virtual data much intimate with the user.

The most anticipated things about the device are the apps. What apps the device would have in store for us? This article would be dealing with some of the basic apps which are expected to be found in the device.

The Apps that drives the Google glass

The Google Glass can never be considered as a multi-purpose computer. Its architecture is built keeping Google products in mind. The Google glass is the ideal amalgamation of Google+, Google Search and the Gmail.

The more you can relate yourself with the Google ecosystem, the more user-friendly the glass would be for you. So let's have a look into the app that Google glass has for you through the following lines of the article.

"OK Glass" Launcher

After you wear your Google Glass, the first interface you would be coming across would be that of the "Okay Glass". You will also find a clock on the same interface. Just say the two simple magic words "OK Glass" and your Google glass is good to go.

For the next command you won't have to say "Okay Glass" again. Just give the command and the glass would be doing the rest for you. Let's say, you want to send a message to me that is Sam Martins. Just say send a message to Sam Martins and the glass would search my name from your contacts if it is stored and send it to you. But beware of wrong commands. The glass has the tendency to pick up the words which are being said in the vicinity and come up with something awful. So choose your words wisely.

Google Search

As it has been already discussed that the Google Glass is based on the Google eco-system, Google Search comes up as the first option in the launcher. This version of the Google search prompts you to ask questions. After you ask for the Google glass to search for answers, it comes with results which are fundamentally wild cards. The glass delivers 6 results which are closely or similar to the words which are said by the user. You have to choose the right one for yourselves.

The "Take a picture" app

You are wearing your Google Glass and you have an awe-inspiring view in front of you. You just have to speak the magic words-"Take a Picture". Voila! The glass would do the exact thing for you. The whole process happens instantly without even flinching your eye or you being provided with any kind of previews. Whatever you would be seeing at the moment would be turned into a photograph and it would be synched privately with your Google + profile.

You can also share it on variable Google based social networking portals such as Google+ friends, Google+ Circle as well as apps. You can transfer the photographs manually through USB cables. A word of advice, just try keeping the frame straight while you take the photograph.

Recording a Video

To start recording you have to press the camera button. The glass can record for only a short duration and that too only 10 seconds. After the process of capturing is done, the video can get stored in the Google + profile itself. These are very much sharable as the photographs itself.

Making a Call through Google Glass

If you have paired your Android phone with this contraption, you can make phone calls through Google glass easily. The inbuilt bone conduction speakers and microphones are definitely going to spice up your conversations.

Google Now-ism

Google Now has been one of the groundbreaking developments which have come out of the Google labs. You will experience 'Google Now' based on your current position, web activities and your online behavior or whatever Google has gathered about you. There have been 25 cards which have been built for the Google Now application keeping the Glass in mind till now.

These are some of the apps which can definitely be expected to be pre-installed in Google Glass. Third Party application developers are hitting the drawing boards to come up with applications which can be adaptable to the Google Glass. We just have to wait for the auspicious moment when Google Glass comes out.

Sam Martins is a professional mobile application developer, who has been attached to GetAProgrammer for quite some times. GetAProgrammer is the ideal place where you will find both iPhone and Android Application Developers for hire. To know more GetAProgrammer, connect to the companies G+ Profile.

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